Friday, September 24, 2010



Onkho Haokip,






Pentateuch/Danthu ho (5)


Semtilbu/Genesis-Hiche lekhabu hi Bible pumpi dia bulphua pang chu ahi. Bung 1-11 sunga hi thil luiho akiseiyin ahi- Pathen in semtil a na atoh dan, mihem chonset a alhah lut dan, twisanglet a Pathen thutanna chule nam tampi hungpen doh dan ho akimun ahi. Bung 12 apat hin Pathen in mi tamtah lah a Abraham alhendoh a ama-a kona huhhingna thua vannoi lesiet chitin jouse phatthei achan ding thu ahung um pan in ahi. Adangse hi Isaac, Jacob chule Joseph thusim jeng ahiuvin ahi. Achomjep a sei ding in Semtilbu hi Pathen tilou thiljouse hung kipatdan kisutlutna lekhabu ahi.


Potdohbu/Exodus-Jacob chate chu Egypt gama Pharaoh noiya sohchang in anaumtauvin ahi. Kum 400 jouvin Israel mite chu Pakai henga huhhinga aumna diuvin ahung kapjah jeng un ahile Pathen in Mose ahinmangchan natna hise tampi mangchan ahin lhatdoh in ahi. KalchuhKut jouvin Egypt gam adalhauvin, twipi san apal galkaiyuvin, Sinai moul ahin jon un ahi. Hiche moul a chu Pathen in a Kitepna dan thuho ana phondoh a Ponbuh sah ding dan jong alim anamu sah ahi.


Thempudan/Leviticus-Israel mite chu lhatdoh a um ahitah jeh uchun Pathen angsunga hinkho theng aman diu akul tan ahi. Hijeh chun Pathen in pumgo thilto man ding dan le thempu kimanchah dinga ngaikhoh dan ho asempeh tan ahi. Hiche lekhabu pumpin ahilchu ahile mihemte tahsa le lhagaova athen jing diu chu ahi. Thenna hinkho, lhacha natoh le thunnunna ho hi ahaseipen ahi.


Minbu/Numbers- Sinai moul a kon chun Israel mite chu akitol peh un atahsan u detlou jeh chun gamgi geiya chun khanglui chengse thi jou kahsen avahvei tauvin ahi. Sinai moul a kona akipatdoh kon un mihem akisim un ahi. Ahinlah khanglui (Egypt gam a ana pienga a ahung kitol uva pan hinla ho) chengse chu Pathen doudalna ananeijeh un gamthip gam a athigamhel tauve. Khangthahte (Egypt gama kona ahung kitol doh uva peng nailou ahia gamthip gama hung peng a hung khanglenho) ahung kitol un Moab phaicham a min simna aumkit e. Hiche laimuna (Moab phaicham a) hi Pathen in khangthah gamtepgam lut ding ho chung chang thu anamop ahi.


Danbu Nina/Deuteronomy-Moab phaicham ahunglhun tahjeh un Mose in Canaan gam lut dingho chu Thusom le danthu ho avel in aseipeh in ahi. Mose chun malaiya Pathen phatnaho aseiyin, apet pet a Pathen chonphatdan chule khonung geiya a Pathen natoh ding dan ho aseiyin ahi. Mose in Canaan gam agaldot in Joshua chu ama bana lamkai din lheh doh in aumin Mosi athitai.


Thusim Bu ho (12)


Joshua- Joshua lekhabu amasa lang hin Israel chaten gamthip gam ahinjot jou uva tahsan le thungai vanga kum sagi jen Canaan gam asat u thu akisun in ahi. Tahsa le lhagaova akigot jou phat un Canaan gam chu hut thum in anasat un ahi: Canaan gam lailung asat un, Canaan gam lhanglam asat un chujouvin Canaan gam sahlam chu asat kit un ahi. Lekhabu anununglanga hin Israel chate Canaan gam akihop u thu akisun in achaina in Joshua in Israel mite chu tilkhouna thu anamop in ahi.


Thutan Vaihom/Judges-Thutan Vaihom lekha hi Joshua thijouva Israel mite khankho chomcha kiseina ahin seingailouna dimset ahi. Joshua khang in Israel miten Canaan mite chu abonchauvin ananodoh tapouvin hijeh chun Canaan gam mite milim houna lama akiheilut pan tauvin ahi. Thutan Vaihom lekha hin Israel miten thu angailou tenguleh Pathen in melma tampi ahin lhunsah thu, Israel mite lung kisih a Pathen henga atao nau le Pathen in thutan vaihomho mang cha a anahuhdoh ji dan ho akimun ahi. Hiche nikho lai chun Israel gam a leng ana um naipon mihem in ama mit a pha asah sah chu anabol ji ahi.


Ruth-Ruth Lekhabu a thilsoh ho hi Thutan Vaihomho khanglaiya soh ahi. Bethlehem a kiel alhah jeh in Elimelech le a inneipi Naomi chule a cha teni akipatdoh un Moab gam a puhsui in ache tauve. Achapa teni, Mahlon le Chilon in Moab numei Ruth le Orpah akichenpi lhon e. Chomlou kah in Elimelech le achapa teni athi tauvin numei thum chu meithai akisoh tauve. Betlehem a neh ding aum kit phat in Naomi ahung kile in Ruth in ahin juiye. Bethlehem ahunglhun lhon in Boaz in Ruth akichenpin amanin Obed ahing lhon in hicheva kona chu Jesse, David chule Christa hung  pengdoh ahi. Hiche Lekhabu a hin Pathen chonphat, ngailut le kitahna ho akimudoh theiyin ahi.


Samuel Khatna/I Samuel-Themgao Samuel chun Israel nam chu Thutan Vaihom ho khanga pat in lengvaipohna chan apuimat in ahi. Israel miten leng athum jeh un Pathen in Samuel jah a Saul thaonu din asol e. Saul hi Israel te dinga leng masapen ahi. Ama chu lengin ahung pang in abolhoi tangeiye. Ahinlah Pathen thu angailou jeh in achaina chu ama ding in thina bou anahitan ahi. Saul kitah lou jeh in Pathen in David leng ding in ahintungdoh in Samuel in thao ananun ahi. Saul in engset husan in ahinkho lhum keiyin David chu thading mat ding in anadel jing in ahi.


Samuel Nina/II Samuel-Saul thijouvin David in Judah gam a kum sagi (7) lengvai apon chujouvin Israel gam pumpia kum somthum le thum (33) lengvai anapon agom in kum somli (40) sung anapon ahi. Bethseba toh ajon le Uriah atha chan gei chun David in thil nasatah tah anabol doh in Pathen in anamangcha lheh e. Ahinlah jonthanhoi le toltha anei jouva pat athi nikho geiyin ama hinkho, ainsung le anamsunga hahsatna ngen analhung in ahi.


Lengte Khatna/I Kings-David thi jouvin achapa Solomon lengtouna ahung tou tai. Israel lenggam chu sumlepai dinmun hihen lang kivaipohna hijong leh hoitah le bit keichan ahung umdoh e. Ahinlah lenggam chu nasatah a akhantoupet ahijeng vang chun Solomon in ji tamtah aneiya chule gamdang chanute jia akipui jeh in Pathen lunglhaina anachang lhum tapon ahi. Hijeh hin ama thi jou (931 BC) in alenggam chu kehni akison sahlam gamkaiya nambah som (10) ho chun leng atum in ana kilhen un lhanglam gamkaiya vang nambah ni (2) hobou aumun David lenggui anajop uve. Hicheva kon hin Sahlam gamkaiya um Israel chate chu Israel tin het in ahung umdoh un chule Lhanglam a Israel chate chu Judah tin het in ahung umdoh tai.


Lengte Nina/II Kings- Israel (Sahlam) le Judah (Lhanglam) lenggam teni nasatah in akidou jing lhon in ahi. Israel leng som le ko (19) umho chun Pathen mitmun thilpha anabol hihbeh jeng un hijeh chun 722 BC kum in Assyria miten soh in anakaimang tauvin ahi. Judah vang chun leng giet (8) tobang Pathen lungdeilam a vaihom ana nei jeh in kum 150 tobang anachesau ben ahi. Chomcha chesaube jeng jongle Pathen ginna le thungaina ana lhahsam val jeh chun Pathen lunghanna achunguvah ana chu in 586 BC kum in Babylon miten soh in ana kaimang un Jerusalem jong suhchim le hallhah in anaum in ahi.


Thusimbu Khatna/ I Chronicles- David khanga pat Israel le Judah sohchan changei thusim akisun in ahi. Bung khat apat bung ko sunga hin Adam apat Saul chan phunggui akisut in ahi. Bung som (10) a kon hin David hinkho thusim jeng akisun in ahi. Hiche lekha a thu kisunho hi Samuel le Lengte lekhabua kisun ho toh kibang jongle David hinkho aphatna langtah a kiseibena ahi.


Thusimbu Nina/II Chronicles-Hiche lekhabua hin Solomon thusim akihaseiyin ahi. Houin asah le leng in asah chule kithenso ho abonchan akisun in ahi. Hichea pat hin Judah lengte bou (Israel lengte jaolou) thusimho akisun in tahsa le lhagao lam adin mun u aseiyin achainaa lenggam alhuh chan akiseiyin ahi. Hiche lekha jong hi Lengte lekhabua kisunho toh kibang hi jong le Solomon hinkho le Judah lenggam thu kihaseina ahi.


Ezra-586 BC kum a Judah soh a puimang Babylon chu Persia miten 539 BC kum in ana jou un ahi. Persia lengpa Cyrus chun 538 BC kum in Israelte Canaan gam a akile theina diuvin phalna apen ahi. Hiche jeh chun Zerubbabel in mi sang somnga (50,000) ahin puiyin Jerusalem houin athahsah kit un ahi. Chom khat jou (457 BC) kum in Ezra (thempu) in Judate mi sangni (2,000) vel ahin puisuh kit in Jerusalem a um Judah mite lhagao hinkho avel in asuhat in ahi.


Nehemiah-Zerubabbel lamkaina houin kisa chu akichai tan, Ezra lamkaina lhagao hinkho kisapha jong akichaitai. Ahinlah Jerusalem khopi chu akulbang sah louvin aum nalaiyin ahi. Hijeh chun Nehemiah in Persia lengpa (Artaxeres Longimenus) koma thille lo sumle pai alut dingho pum in phalna akilah in Jerusalem kulbang sapha in 444 BC kum in Jerusalema ahung e. Kulbang kisah jou chun Ezra le Nehemiah in mipite chu lhagao lam in athahsem lhon in asuhal lhon in ahi.


Esther-Esther lekhabua thilsoh ho hi Ezra bung 6 le 7 kikah a thilsoh ho ahiye. Babylon/Persia gam a sohchang Juda mi phabep chu Jerusalem a kile nom louvin Persia gama aumden nomjo tauvin ahi. Aumdenho lah a chun Esther kiti nungah melhoitah aumin a pangahpa Mordecai in ana khoukhah e. Persia lengpa, Ahasuerus jinu Vasti in lengpa thupeh anit lou jeh in Vasti chu lengnu ahina a kon in paidoh in anaumtai. Vasti khel in lengnu ding akihol in ahile Esther anapachang in Persia lengnu in ahung pang tai. Persia gam a umlaiyun Juda mite thagamna ding ahung umjeh in ahinkho u monna ana um pon ahi. Hiche phat laitah chun Pathen in Esther le Mordecai amang chan amite chu anahuhdoh e.


Laapao a Kisun Lekhabu Ho (5)

Job-Job kitipa hi mi chonpha tah anahi. Satan in Job chonphat chu Pathen in phatthei aboh jeh ahi atijeh chun Pathen in Satan chu Job patep ding in phalna anapen ahi. Hetman louvin Job chunga gentheina le natna tampi alhung in ahi. Achunga thil phalou tamtah alhun jeh chun aloiho toh velthum jen ana kiniel un ahi. Ajeh chu aloiho hin Job chunga thil phalou lhungho chu chonset jeh a lhung anahisah u ahin Job in ahipoi anati ahi. Ahinlah achainaa Pathen in athilgon ho le thil umdan mutheiya ahin koi chun Job gentheina sang chun Pathen thahat chungnung kiphondohna joh anahikhan ahi. Ajeh chu Pathen chun aumsa jong alahmang theiya aumlou jong aumsah kit theiya chule Satan chu ama thusahna hongsunga chatloh bou anahin ahi. Job thudoh ho khatcha akidonbut peh lou vang in Pathen chihna, thahatna le chonphatna akimudoh in ahi.


Laabu/Psalms-Laabu sunga thu kisunho hi Mose (Ps 90) phat laiya pat Israel chate Babylon a asohchan nauva kona ahung kiledoh jouvu (Ps 126) thuho mutheiyin aume. Hiche Lekhabu sunga hin mihem lunggel le mihem in ahinkho a atokhah thuho akisun in ahi. Laabu sunga thu kisun: kaala, thangvahna la, Vahchoina la, laltouna la le kholjina la hohi Israelte dinga houin a natohna le kipehdohnaa sah dinga kilomtah ngen ahiuvin ahi. Laa ho hi tumging puma kisem jong atam in chule Pathen hounaa manchah dinga kisem ngen tobang ahiuve. Psalms 1-41 sunga hin Pathen hou (worship) chungchang thu akiseiyin, 42-89 sunga hin nampi chungchanga Pathen ngaisah ding dan akiseiyin chule 90-150 sunga hin Pathen thangvah ding dan akiseiyin ahi.


Thuchih/Proverbs-Thuchih a thu kisunho hi asimhon thil hetkhen themna aneitheina diu, chondan themna anei theina diu, thilphachom atohdoh theina diu le akichih theina diuva kisun ahiye. Hicheva kon a hi mikhat chu thilphalam a kichuh ding Pathen songa kal ason tengleh ngolna le setna ho jouse chu hoinale chonphatna a akheldoh thei ding tina ahi. Thuchih kisunho hi, mingol, miching, pa, chapa, chanu, nupa, mithase, numei, leng, ju a lop, chule adang dang toh kisaiya thu kisun ngen ahiuve.


Thuhilpa/Ecclesiastes-Thuhilpa in alungthim le manchah thei jouse mangcha pum in nisa noiya hinkho man ding dan akholdoh in ahi. Chihna, Haona, Natoh, Nopsahna le Thaneina hojouse hi huiyin alhohmang thei bep ahin pannabei jeng ahiuve tihi amudoh in ahi. Hiche hi hinkho sunga thudihlou umjeh leh hinkho hi phatchomcha a ding bou ahijeh ahin chomlou kah a thina lhankhuh gei ji ahitai. Imajouse hung kipatdoh na le kilekitna ding chu Pathen bou ahi. Hijeh a chu mihem khat chun amachangval a Pathen lampiho ahetphah lou ahin Ama bouva kingaiya, Athu angaiya chule Athilpeh ho akipathanop pi ding dol ahi. Achaina keiyin “Pathen thupeh ho nit ding ahi” ti hi angeh khoh pen ahi, ajeh chu nikho khat le Pathenin mihem hi thutanna a apuilut ding ahi.


Solomon Labu/Song of Solomon-Solomon le Shulam numeinu kilungset le kingailutna thusim kichehtah in ahil in ahi. Hiche Lekhabu hin nupa kikah a tahsa le lungthima kingailut ding avetsah ahin Houbung le Christa vetsahna ahipoi. Kidei theng, kichen theng, nupa kikah a tahsa nopsahna lama Pathen deisah dan thuho kisutna ahi. Solomon in ji tamtah ana nei jongle Shulam numeinu khel khel hi a chanchin anasutdoh ahi.



Themgao Lekhabu Ho (17)


Themgao Len ho (5)


Isaiah- Hiche Lekhabu hin bung 66 aneiya asunga thu kisun jong bung 1-39 sung hi thutanna toh kisamkai ahia chule 40-66 sung hi lhamonna le kipana thu toh kisamkai ahijeh in mini-Bible tia het ahi. Isaiah themgao in thutanna thu (1-39) le lhamona thu (40-66) aseiyin ahi. Aman Judah chonset chu phatah in akholchil in Pathen thutanna achunga hunglhung ding chu aphonlhah khum in ahi. Hiche athusei chu Judahte jengseh hilouvin akimvel uva nam dang ho le vannoi leisetna mite chunga jong soh ding ahidan ahilben ahi. Leng Hezekiah thusim chomcha ahung kijelut jouvin Isaiah in khonunga Messiah jal a Huhhingna le kiledohna hunglhun ding jeh in mipi chu alhamon in tilkhona nasatah aneiyin ahi. Yahweh Pathen chu huhhingpu ahin amite ahuhdoh ding ahi.


Jeremiah-Lengte khanglai chun Judah chu tahsa le lhagao lam a akhonna geiyin anase tai. Hiche laitah hin Jeremiah chu mipite henga thusei dingin Pathen in anamangchan ahi. Aman Judah chunga Pathen thutanna nasatah hunglhung ding ahitin analhangsap le tan ahi. Mitamtah in avetdauva, suhgentheiya auma, thading matdinga anabol jeng vang un Jeremiah in hangsantah in Pathen akon in kitah tah in thu anaphong jing in ahi. Judah in Pathen thenna ho donlouva anakoi jeh in analhutan ahi. Ahin Pathen in lungset vang in Kitepna Thah ahin phudoh ding dan amite koma kitepna ananeipeh in ahi.


Lamentation-Hiche Laapaova kisun lekha hi Jerusalem kisuhchim jeh a Judah in Jerusalem aopna laa ahi. Hiche laa hi bung nga in akisun in ahi. Hicheva Jeremiah in kala asah ho hi gaothu asei jou kum 40 jouva ana guilhung ahi. Jerusalem gal a kijona, Kisuhchimna le akeova akikoidan kiseiho hin Jeremiah hi nasatah a lunggim ahidan aphochen in ahi.


Ezekiel-Themgao Ezekiel in gaothu asei hi Jerusalem kisuhchim masang le kisuhchom jou ahin Babylon gama aseingen ahi, ajeh chu ama hi Babylon gam a sohchang lah a anajao ahi. Jeremiah bang in aman jong Jerusalem chu Israel miten Pathen asuhmil jeh uva kisuchim ahidan ahil in chule soh a aumu chu chomcha hilou ding ahidan jong ahil in ahi. Judah galmite alhuh diu le Judah khonung ding thusim jong gaovin anaseidoh in ahi.


Daniel-Hiche lekhabu hin khonunga hunglhung dingho gaothu le gaova thilmu tampi apo in ahi. Pathen in chidang namdangte dinga tohgon lentah aneidan ho aseidoh in (2-7) chule chidang namdangho phat sunga Israel dinmun ding jong ahilpeh in ahi (8-12). Juda mite chu lhasam le lungthomhaotah a anaum laiyun Daniel in khonung amaho chunga Pathen tohgon le thahat hung kilang dingho aseidoh in tilkhouna ananeiyin ahi. Israelte dinga phat khat ana kipe le kivetsah chu Daniel Hapta ahi.


Themgao Neo ho (12)


Hosea-Hosea lekhabua hin Hosea le kitahna bei ajinu, Gomer thusim akisune. Amani thusim hin Pathen mingailut le Israel kitahna bei kikah thu umchan dol avetsah in ahi. Hosea chun Israel chonset chu aphongjal in Pathen thenna toh kikal ahidan jong ahil e. Israel nam chu achonset jeh a kisosal tei ding ahin ahinlah khonung leh Pathen mingailutna jal a kiledoh kit ding ahiuve.


Joel-Hiche lekha hin Judah gamsung khaokhopi in abahgam thu avelvet in Pakai nikho hunglhun tengleh hiche sanga hi nasajo cheh ding ahidan ahile. Judah gamsung chu melma sepai tamtah in khaokhopi in gamsung atomlhah den banga atomlhah diu vetsah in aneiye. Hitajeng jongle hitobang thutanna chu alhun louna ding in Pathen in mite henga kisihna lungthim nei ding in ngehna ananeiye. Mite chun alungthim u akhel lou ding jeh un thutanna chu thonlou hel ding ahitai, ahin khonung tengleh phattheina hung lhung kit ding ahi.


Amos-Amos in gaothu aseilaiyin sahlam gamkai chu asetna pisoh koncha ahitai. Amos in thutanna giet hunglhun ding thu aseiyin ahi. Aman Israel chonset phondohna dingle kisihtheina ding in thupi thum aseiyin ahi. Mipiten Amos gaothusei anahsah tahlou jeh un thutanna hung tei ding ahidan chu muthei tah in ngavei musah in anaume. Amos in alekhabu chu kinepna khat neipum in akhumkhatan ahi.


Obadiah-Obadiah themgao hi lhanglam lenggam a kon ahi. Amahin Edom mite Judah gamgi chin a chengho chunga gaothu anasei ahi. Edom (Esau chilhahte) mite chun asopi Judah (Jacob chilhahte) mite chu anavetkol nom louvu ahi. Edom miten Jerusalem kinokhum ana kipapi jeh uva amaho jong kisugam hel ding ahidan u anasei ahi.


Jonah-Jonah kitipa hin thugol khat bouseh gaothu anasei jeng vang in themgao thupitah khat ahi. Jonah in thugol khatseh seh aseiya Nineveh khopia miten alung ahei jeh un Pathen lungset achunguva achun khopi suhmang in anaum tapoi. Hiche lekha hi Pathen in themgao louchal Jonah ahilna jong ahiye. Jonah chun ama nam tilouva jong chidang namdang ho jong anakhohsah ding chule thiljouse sempa Pathen a kingai ding anahi.


Micah-Israel le Judah namsunga lamkaiho, themgaoho, thempuho, sumkolveiho le gamneiho phat lou jeh in Micah themgao in Israel le Judah nam chunga lethuhna gaothu anaseiye. Pathen kitepna lenggam vang khonung le Messiah lenggam a lhung ding ahi. Thutanna chu ngaidam na le kiledoh kitna in ajui ding ahi. Lekhabu hi kinepna lentah umpum in akichaiyin ahi.


Nahum-Jonah in Nineveh khopi a thu agaseiya miho lung kisih a Pathen anabel jou u kum 125 jou in Nahum in hiche khopi hi gangtah a mangthah ding ahidan ahil in ahi. Assyria khopi, Nineveh mite chun milim ahou un emalam jousea aphamo un chule Israel gam mite soh in akaimang tauvin ahile Pathen in hiche khopi hi asuhmang tei tei ding ahitai.


Habakkuk-Judah lenggam kichai kon cha in Habakkuk in Pathen in ipi dinga Judah nam chonse hi athu atanpeh louham tin anadong e. Hichun Pathen in Judah chu athu atan ding ahin Babylonte amanchah ding ahidan ahil in ahi. Chuin Habakkuk in Pathen in itidan a Judah sanga chonsejo Babylong chu Judah chunga thutanna amanchah ding ham tichu anadong kit in ahi. Pathen in Babylon jong thu atan ding ahidan amudoh phat in Habakkuk in Pathen tohgon le thahatna jal in Pathen athangvah tai.


Zephaniah-Zephaniah in Pakai nikho chu thutanna nasatah ahung hiding dan chule hiche nikho chu phattheina in ahinjui ding dan ahil in ahi. Zephaniah in Judah gam sunga Pakai thutanna lhun ding asei jouvin chidang namdang ho kom a jong lhung ding ahidan ahil in ahi. Judah in Pathen lunglam ahol nom lou jeh in themmo ana kichan in ahi. Ahin amohchengse in Pathen ahin thangvah diu ahi.


Haggai- Israelte Babylon gam a asohchan nauva kon ahung kile jou un Jerusalem a acheng kit tauve. Amahon Houin ding nasatah in asapan un ahinlah amaho chenna ding in akhohsah joh jeh un houinsah chu akhongai un amaho injoh akisah tauvin ahi. Amahon Pathen kin masat sah louva amaho kin joh amasatsah uva athupisah joh jeh un gamsunga phattheina jouse nom in anethei tapouve. Hiche jeh chun Haggai in mipi chun Pathen houin chu sajou masa ding in tepna aneiyin ahi. Pathen houin thu loupitah a sahchai dinga umsa mong jong anahi. Haggai mite ho aphatlounauva kona ahouset jouvin khonunga phatthei channa dinga Pathen thutep jong aseiyin ahi.


Zechariah-Zechariah hi Haggai toh liengkhat anahilhon in ahi. Aman jong Haggai bang in Juda miten Pathen houin asah chai loi nadiuvin tilkhouna ananeiye. Ajeh chu Houin chu Israel mite dinga lhagaova adindohnau mun lailung ahi. Zephaniah mu neiho, thupi seiho le apohgih hon Messiah hung ding gaothu ahasei lheh in Bible sunga Messiah chung thu gaova kiseina akichehna pen ahitai. Pathen chun amite dinga atohgon ho ahunglhung nailou tampi aumdan anaphondoh ahi.


Malachi-Malachi hi Kitepna Luiya lekha nunungpen ahitai. Ama khang hin Israel te chu tahsa le lhagaovin anadailha tauve. A Pathen hou u jong moh moh a kibol ahitan ahi. Amaho Pathen a kona gamlatah a akimanchah laichan un a Pathen hou nau le jalhang hinkho chu akibang dan in anaumdoh tai. Migilou suhmang na dinga nikho khat hunglhung ding ahin ahinlah Pakai gingte dinga vang misudamthei Pathen hung ding ahi.





Kipana Thupha Lekhabu ho (4)


Matthew sut Kipana Thupha-Kipana Thupha masapen Matthew lekhabu in Jesu hi Messiah ahidan aseiyin Israel mite dinga a Lengpau ahidan ahil’e. Jesu khanggui asut in, Kitepna Luiya gao thu kiseiho Messiah a aguilhun dan ho akimun ahi. Messiah ahina toh kilhon in thaneina aneiho le hatna aneiho akitahlang in ahi. Thumop tamtah apeh a thil kidang tampi abol jeng vang in adoudal a mi atam in achaina keiyin thingleh vum a thina anatoh in ahi. Ahinlah Lengpa in alhankhuh ahomkeuvin adalhan khatvei le hung kit ding ahi.


Mark sut Kipana Thupha -Mark Lekhabu in Jesu chu Lhacha ahina ahaseiyin “mi tamtah man pe a hung ahi” ati in ahi. Akipat til in Jesu chu mijouse ding in lhacha in apang in ahi. Leiya kon a apotdohna ding ahung naitul tul phat in seijuiho thu hil le kithopina lama hinkho amang in ahi. Ahinkho kichai kon lam thilsohho akihasei ten in ahi.


Luke sut Kipana Thupha -Luke in Jesu chu Mihem Chapa ahina lam dol in thu asun in anatoh jong “amangsaho holdoh kit ding” ahidan ahil’e. Amahin Messiah leiya ahung dan, anatoh thilbolho chule lhatdohna thua chamkim natoh aneidan ho aseiyin ahi.


John sut Kipana Thupha -John in Jesu chu tonsot a hingjing Pathen Chapa amatahsante dinga ahinna pepa chu ahi atin ahi. Bung 21 lah a bung nga (5) sunga lhahna thu jeng aseiyin ahi. Athilah a kon a athodoh jouvin jong seijuiho henga akilah jing in tamtah vei mutheiyin anaum jing in ahi.


Thusimbu (1)


Solchahte / Acts-  Messiah van a akaltouva pat in Paul kisuhgenthei changei akisun in ahi. Houbung hung kiphudoh dan chule Houbung Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria le Kolmong geiya Houbung amachal dan akisun in ahi. Hicheva hi solchate Pathen natoh dan alhangpia kitahlang ahi.


Paul lekhathot ho (13)


Rome mite henga Lekhathot/ Romans- Mihemte jouse chonsetna noiya aumcheh uva sapsetna achan thu u, sapsetna apat a themchanna, themchanna a kon a thenna chule thenna a kon a loupina achan thu u akisun in ahi. Chidang namdang ho le Judah mite dinga Pathen kingon umho aseiyin achaina keiyin mihemten Pathen chonphatna ahinkhouva apohdoh theina diuvin tilkhouna thu aseiyin ahi.


Corinth mite henga Lekhathot khatna/ I Corinthians-Hiche lekhathot hi kisuhdihna lekha ahi. Houbung sunga kibung khenna, jonthan hoina, danthua kiboina, chule Pakai Anjon jabol louna ho nasatah in asosal in ahi. Paul in, Corinth miten adoh u, kichen thu, saneh thu, milim hou thu, japi lah a Pathen hou thu le thokitna thu ho jong kichentah in ahil chen in ahi.


Corinthmite henga Lekhathot nina/ II Corinthians- Hiche lekha hisolchah lhem phabep in Paul Paul solchah khat ahinaho, kouna achanna ho jouse ataimo peh nau donbutna a kisun ahi. Paul chu mi tamtah lung kisih jeh in akipah lheh jeng jongle akhohsah pen chu alunghei lou mi themcha ho chu ahiye.


Galatia mite henga Lekhathot/ Galatians- Galatia Houbung sunga danthu jal a sochat ding tia thu kilhangsap doudalna a hiche lekha hi ana kisun ahi. Paul in miluiho hinkho thusim, Pathen thugil le chondan theng a kon in danthu sanga lungsetna achungnun johna le danthu noiya umsanga ontholna hinkho chungnun johdan atahlang in ahi.


Ephesiamite henga Lekhathot/ Ephesians- Hiche Lekhabu sunga bung masa thumho ah tahsan chate Messiah jal a adinmun u thu sangatah in akiseiyin thugil loupi tah khat ahi. Bung nunung thumho ah tahsan chate lhagaova ahaosatnau mangcha a lhagaova kal ason na diuvin tilkhouna thu akisun in ahi.


Phillipi mite henga Lekhathot/ Phillippians- Hiche lekha hi Paul in Rome khopia songkul a aumna a kon a Phillipi mite anathot ahi. Alekha sunga hin ngailutna jal a Phillipi Houbung mite chunga kipana thu chule songkul sunga thil umdan ho asun in ahi. Phillipi mite chu chondan le hindan a adinkhom uva, akineosah theiyuva chule Pathen ngaisahna lama achon jing theina diuvin tilkhouna aneiyin danthu lam a lamvai lou ding in jong ngehna aneiye.


Colossae mite henga Lekhathot/ Colossians- Hiche lekha hi Kitepna Thah sunga Messiah thu nasatah a akiseina pen hiding in tahsan ahi, ajeh chu Paul in thilsem chung chang, Huhhingna chungchang chule kiloikhomna hinkho a Messiah/Christa bou alailunga atahlang jing in ahi. Tahsan chate hi lhagao lam a dinga Christa a chamkim le bulhing ahiuvin sakho dang le lunggel dang dang emacha angaichat be louvu ahitai. 


Thessalonica mite henga Lekhathot khatna/ I Thessalonians- Bung masa thum ho in Paul le Thessalonica mite lhacha natoh na lam a akithokhom dan hou atahlang in ahi. Paul in atahsan nau nasatah in apahcha in chule amaho dinga lunggel ngaito aneijing danho jong ahetsah in ahi. Achaina bung teni (4-5) hin hinkho theng aman jing na diuvin tilkhouna aneiyin chule Pakai nikho hunglhun ding thu jong ahilchen in ahi.


Thessalonica mite henga Lekhathot nina/ II Thessalonica- Thessalonica mite chun Pakai nikho hunglhun ding thua hetkhelna le thulhuh dihlou analhuh sah tah jeh un na jong tongnom talou khop in Pakai nikho hunglhung ding anangah jeng un Messiah jal a genthei athoh diu anamoh ngalel tauvin  ahi. Paul in hiche nikho masanga thil hunglhung dingho ahil chen in lunglimgeh cha a umjo ding in ana til khou in ahi.


Timothy henga Lekhathot khatna/ I Timothy- Hiche lekha hi lamkai dinmun tuhna dinga manchah phatah ahi. Paul in Timothy chu Ephesia houbunga lhacha natong dinga angense ahi. Hiche lekha a hin Paul in Timothy chu Houbung sunga thuhil lhemho, japi lah a taona man dan, numeiho panmun, upa ho le deacon ho ngaichat dan chule natoh dang dangho ahil na ahi.


Timothy henga Lekhathot/ II Timothy- Hiche lekha hi Paul a dinga alekhathot achaina pen ahi.  Paul in Timothy chu lhagao lam galsatna a hangsan ding le mano jing ding in atilkhouvin ahi. Paul in ahinkho kichaina lam ahichu ahet jeh in Timothy chu gunchu tah a hung pang jing ding in tilkhouna aneiye.


Titus henga Lekhathot/ Titus- Paul in Titus hi Crete mun a Houbung vesui dingle Houbung sunga upa ho lhengdoh dinga adalhah ahi. Hiche lekha hin Houbung sunga lamkai ding khat lhinna ding thu ho ahil in chule Houbung sunga natoh jatchom chom ho Titus in phatah a aboipi ding in temna aneiye.


Philemon henga Lekhathot/ Philemon- Onesimus kitipa hi Philemon soh jam mangpa ahi. Apupa koma kon ajam mang laiyin Rome khopi a songkul agatang khan ahi. Hiche songkul a hin Paul ana um laitoh agakitoh khel khel in, Paul a kon in penthahna ahin kimu in ahi. Onesimus hin hiche lekha hi akipoh a apupa, Philemon henga kinungle kit ahi. Paul in Philemon kom a chun Onesimus hi sohbanga gel talouva Christa a sopi banga anasang jo ding in temna aneiye.



Lhangpi lekhathot ho (8)


Hebrewmite henga Lekhathot/ Hebrews- Hiche lekha hin Messiah hi thil jouse sanga chungnungjole ahidan ahil e. Hiche lekha anasimho hi Christian tahsan a kona pullha kigo a Judaism tahsan a kinungle go ngen hidiuvin tahsan aume. Amaho hi pilhin na ngaicha le tahsan a dingdet ahidiu kul ahi. Christa chu imalam jousea chungnungpen ahi.


James Lekhathot/ James-James in hiche lekha hi Hebrew-Christian ho kom a atahsan nau dih le dihlou akihetdohna diuva anathot ahi. Mihem khat in katahsan aume atia ahivanga anatoh akimudohlou le atahsan na chu adih adihlou dohchet theiya um ahi. Aman leiset nopsahna le haona ho delna jal a ahinkho chan ho aphohsal in ahi. Chule tahsan chaten Christa hung ding kinem a lungneng puma lam ajot jing dingun temna le tilkhouna aneiye.


Peter Lekhathot Masa/ I Peter-Hiche lekha simho hi Christa atahsan nauva kona lunglengvaiya aumtah jeh uva Peter a kona lhamonna le kihil na anangaichat u ahi. Peter in amaho chu Huhhinga aumnau jal a mi hao theitah ahidan u ahil in chuban in hinkho theng aman cheh diu angaikhoh dan ahile. Aban in gentheina tintang athoh nauva akisuhnem jinguva Christa jal a agentheinau kisuhnemna lama anei uva Pathen koma akiphulut diu thu in atil khouvin ahi. 


Peter Lekhathot nina/ II Peter-Lekha masapa a chun polam a kona suhgentheina hung lut ho dou ding dan kihilna ahi. Hiche lekhathot ninapa hi tahsan chate lah a thuhil lhem hon tahsan chate lam dihlou le chondan dihlouva apui chatvai nauva kon a kivendoh ding dan thu ahi. Peter chun hiche tobang a kivendoh theina pen chu Christa a hetna lam khantou sah jing ding hi ahipene ati ahi.


John Lekhathot masa/ I John-John lekhathot masapa hin Tahsan chate le Pathen kikah a kiloikhomna umdol thu aseiye. Ama chu Vah Pathen ahin Tahsan chate jouse jong vah a lamlha diu ahi; Ama chu Lungset Pathen ahin Tahsan chate jong khat le khat kilungsetto cheh diu ahi; Ama chu Hinna pepa ahin Tahsan chaten Christa a hinna aneithei diu ahidol aseiyin ahi.


John Lekhathot nina/ II John-Hiche lekha hi asimhon Solchah ho thuhil atuhchah jinguva chule Christa thupeh nitna jal a ngailutna a lam ajot jing diu kihilna ahi. Aman koi hijongle Christa thuhil toh kitohlou thuhil ho koima cha a in uva alhunsah louhel diuvin jong ngehna aneiye.


John Lekhathot thumna/ III John- John in Pathen thulhangsap dinga asol mi phabepho chun thu ahinlepoh un ahi. Gaius kitipa hin thanomtah le ngailutah a ana lamto dan u ahil un ahinlah Diotrephes kitipan vang ana lamto pouvin midanghon jong alamto lou diuvin thu ahil len ahi. Hiche lekha hi John in Gaius kitipa henga kipathu aseina le atilkhoubena chule Diptrephes kitipa ahousalna thu ahi.


Jude Lekhathot/ Jude-Kitepna Thah sunga thuhil lhem ho ngampel a kihousalna kimusun chu hiche lekha hi ahi. Jude hin miho chondan, khandan ho abonchan aphongdoh in amaho dinga thutanna hugnlhun ding dol aseiyin ahi. Alangkhat a chun Jude in tahsan chate chu thutah a kisatou uva tahsanna a lunglhai jing ding in atem in ahi.



Thuphon Lekhabu (1)

Thuphon/ Revelation-Patmos twikul a um John in gaova athilmu ho kisutlutna ahi. Hiche hi Bible pumpi a dinga akhumkhana tobang ahi. Christa loupi tah a amu jouvin, Asia Minor gam a Houbung sagi ho chungchang ban neichan akimusah in ahi. Aban in khonung a hunglhung ding Thohhahsa khanga leiset chunga mihemte chunga thutanna umding dan, Sinkhana sagi, Sumkawn Sagi chule Sumlheng sagi ho akisun in ahi. Thohhahsa khang kichaiya Christa/ Messiah ahung a leiseta kum sangkhat vai ahom ding thu, Satan le anugnjuiho damun meidil a kiledut ding thu, Laltouna kang chunga michonse ho thu atan ding chule vanthah le leithah hung umdoh ding thu kicheh tah in akiseiyin ahi. 

The Thadous


The Thadous are found in Manipur, Assam, Nagaland and Mizoram in India, and in Chin state and Sagaing Division in Burma/Myanmar. In Manipur, they are mostly found in South-Western Hills and Sadar Hills, Churachandpur district, Ukhrul district, Jiribam and Chandel district.
From time immemorial, the Thadous have a culture of their own and distinct language, literature, dress, social life, and self-government. Livelihood, Defense, Marriage, Divorce, Naming a child, Kut Festivals, Saguol Kengkhai, Vaphol  lam, Lakoi lam, Khongbai lam, Lamkuol, Saipikhup, suh  folk dances, Jhuming, Domestic animals, Religion, Hunting etc..
Thadous have a language distinct from other tribal languages; the Government of India has recognized the Thadou as a tribe and as a language cum culture and customs. This is recognized by the President Notification under Article No. 342 of the Indian Constitution vide the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes, List Order Notification No. SRO. 2477-A. Ministry of Law & Home Affairs, Govt. of India dated 29th October, 1956 at New Delhi in respect of the State of Manipur.
While the kings ruled in Manipur, the Thadous served as the Manipur Army and helped in the maintenance of Law & Order. So that, the Meiteis composed the Folk Song, “MANIPUR SANA LEIBAK, CHINGNA KOINA PANSABA, HAONA KOINA PAN NGAKPA” was to the Thadous only.
Social Structure:
McCulloch clearly pinpointed as to how exactly Thadou social structure functions when he stated that the Thadous “…pay much attention to their genealogy and profess to know the names of their Chiefs in succession…”. Here lies the secret of Raymond Firth’s definition of ‘Social Structure and Function’
In this connection we may draw our attention to the effect that though there is no such rigid system as is found in castes hierarchical order in the Hindu Varna, the stereotype structure of Thadou social system is based on the order of precedence of lineal descents, numbers thereof being dependent on the widespread of their sub-lineal branches which make the Thadous and their collateral clans enable to claim their pedigree right from the legendary ancestor called CHONGTHU (some spelled as SHONGTHU) to Thadou. The Genealogical Tree from Chongthu to Thadou as the social structural base found in the journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal: N.S. XXIV: is reproduced here in below:
Genealogical Tree from Chongthu to Thadou:
CHONGTHU - begets Sattong; Chongja is the Younger brother of Chongthu;
SATTONG - begets Thangpi; Sattong married Sheichin, a woman from Vanlal Village, believed to be located in celestial abode. Sattong has two younger brothers but are unknown;
THANGPI - begets Shingmeng and Hangmeng; the Koms, Kilongs, Vaiphei, Chirus, and other Old Kuki clans. Hangmeng as their progenitor;
SHINGMENG - begets Titou, Touhin and Touthang,
a) Titou is the Progenitor of Doungels whose seniority is said not being accepted by the Thados of other clans now as the lineage has become extinct in the true line and is now represented by the descendent of a slave. This contention is not accepted by Dr. J.H. Hutton and is refuted as given separately here in below details.
b) Touthang is the progenitor of Lamhao Kukis.
 TOUHIN - begets Ni-nel;
 NI-NEL - begets Lhoulhuh;
 LHOULHUH - begets Sehtha;
 SEHTHA - begets Thadou, Chongloi and Hangshing;
 THADOU - begets Thalhun;
 THALHUN - begets Elmun (by first wife), Kipgen and Haokip (by second wife).
The followings are the recognized Thadou tribe covered under the Amended Vide Govt. of India Ministry of Law Notification Order No. SRO-24777-A, Dated 29th October, 1956, New Delhi.
 1. Guite                  2. Doungel               3. Sitlhou                4. Singsit    
 5. Kipgen               6. Haokip                 7. Chongloi             8. Hangshing   
 9. Touthang           10. Lotjem               11. Haolai               12. Tuboi
 13. Sa’um              14. Khuolhou          15. Lupho                16. Lupheng           
 17. Misao               18. Mate                    19. Baite                  20. Lhungdim
 21. Ngailut              22. Kiloung              23. Insun                 24. Jongbe
 25. Lunkim             26. Lienthang          27. Thangngew      28. Changsan
 29. Lhang’um        30. Khuongthang              
In Defense of Chengjapao:  Hutton, J.H. (1928), in his review of the above contention in regard to the non-acceptance of Doungel’s lineage whose House was allegedly extinct, endorsed to the truth of structural order of the Genealogical Tree as given above, i.e. from Chongthu to Thadou, but was very skeptical to the alleged extinction of direct male line of Doungel clan.
Fifty Five years  later, when McCulloch established the genealogical tree of Thadou in 1857, Shakespeare, Lt. Col., J., (1912 : 187-88: The Lushai Kuki Clans, Part-II) stated that:
“After many enquiries I am quite of the same opinion and have found pedigrees collected from various sources differed by slightly from that recorded by colonel McCulloch”
And further stated that:
“The four main families of Thadou are the Doungel, Shitloh, Haukip and Kipgen. The Doungel are descended from Thadou’s elder brother and therefore are considered as rather superior to the rest of the families”.
Shakespeare was also emphatic to say that the name Thado was “…derived by the people themselves from “that” ‘to kill’ and “doh”  ‘to war’ and that the term,
“New Kuki, which, appears so often in the records, Cachar and Sylhet, in the middle of last century (19th century), and which has been adopted by Dr. Grierson in the ‘Linguistic Survey of India’ may be taken as synonymous with Thado”.
Genealogical tree of the Thadou as constructed by McCulloch in 1857 having been proved as the correct version was by Dr. Grierson, C.A, K.C.I.E, Ph.D, D. Litt., LL.D, ICS (Rtd.), in his book on “Linguistic Survey of India” (Vol.III: Tibetan –Burman family, Part  III: p. 351, 361 & 383) in 1904 after fifty seven years of publication of McCulloch’s work. Grierson is an eminent scholar and renown authority on language in both the academic and administrative worlds. He contended to say that:
“… It has become customary to use the term New Kuki to denote the Thados and their off-shoots…, that Thado is the name of their original progenitor…. That in Manipur they are called KHONGZAIs and that they used this name themselves in conversation with Manipuris. Whom they called Mei-Lei (Meilhei)”
and maintained that based on the findings of McCulloch, many other
“…sub-tribes trace their origin back to Thado and his brothers…”,
and concluded to say that:
“…the Principal clans are the Shithlo (Sitlhou), Shingsol (Singson), Chongloi, Hangseen (Hangshing), Keepgen (Kipgen) and Haukip (Haokip), from which have sprung several sub-clans of smaller importance…”.
A). Thado-pao: Grieson, as expert and authority on Language, included THADOU in the Tibeto-Burman Group of Linguistic Family (1904:  p383: Linguistic Survey of India, Vol.III, Tibeto-Burman Family P: Part.III) saying that:
“All these tribes, with the exception of Baite, speak the same language, and the dialectical differences are on slight. The language itself is according to Stewart, Lieut. R,(1857: A slight Notice of the Grammar of Thado, published in the Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol. XXIV: 187-88) and Damant, G.H.(Notes on Manipuri Grammar and North Cachar Hills, published in the Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol.XXIV: 173 ) called THADOU-PAO, Thado language”.
Likewise, Hudson,T.C., in his book on Thado Grammar, Shillong (1906; pl7) and Soppitt, C.A. in his book on Grammar of the Rangkhol Language (1887 : p37), Shillong, expressed that the language spoken by descendants and their cognates of Thadou is called THADO-PAO. After a lapse of a good many years, Shakespeare, J.,Lt. Col. (1912:pl 78-79 Lushai Kuki clans )  said that:
 “….. it is spoken by all the descendants of Thadou and  by the non-Thadou clans absorbed in them”
and that  ‘Thadou–Pao’ is the ‘Lingua-franca’ among themselves. In this regard, it may be relevant if letter No.KPM/37/198 dated the 11th January, 1919 from Mr.J.C. Higgins, Political Agent, Manipur, addressed to Dy. Inspector General of Military police, Anglo-kuki war, 1917-19, in connection with the language to be used officially most understandable by the people in the areas between the Somra and Thongdut State of Burma, is brought to our attention. Higgins said,
“Thadou Kuki is the language of the kuki tribes in general, and is intelligible to all the kukis in the Somra areas and Thongdut State. I only know of one text book, a Thado Grammar, with Thadou-English and English–Thado vocabularies attached, by Mr.T.C.,Hudson. This is obtainable at the Assam Secretariat and at Thacker Spink’s priced re.1/-. It is in Roman character”.
He further opined that “The learning of the Tangkhul dialect spoken in the Somra will present very considerable difficulty, as it is an entirely unknown language….. The dialects throughout the Tangkhul country vary to a surprising extent even from village to village. The Tangkhul dialects are not on the list of languages for which a reward is offered by the Assam Government, as no officer has ever learnt them. They are quite distinct from both Manipuri and Thadou. 
“Manipuri and Thadou contain certain roots in common, but are quite distinct languages and knowledge of one does not enable a person to make himself understood by persons speaking the other. The Assam Government grants a separate reward to officers passing in both. But Thadou kuki is closely allied to Lushai and a reward cannot be obtained in both these languages, it is also allied to the Northern Chin dialects”
B). Thadou Population: Grierson also founded that the Thadou Population was fairly large enough that tempted him to say “…the Thadou clan is a very large one” and accounted their number as follows (1904):
 1. In Manipur                     20,000
 2. In Naga Hills                5,500
 3. In Cachar Plain            5,400
 4. In Sylhet                         534
    Total =                             31,434
The above estimate omits the members of the clans in North-Cachar Hills and in the unadministered tract between the Naga Hills and Manipur on the west and the Upper Chindwin district of Burma in the east. The whole clan traces its genealogy to mythical hero who is believed to have dwelt below the surface of the earth and emerged there from to the surface of the earth through a cave known ‘Khul’, or ‘Khur’, equivalence of which among the Lushais and those living in the Lushai Hills (now called Mizoram) was called ‘Chhinlung’.
There emerges from the preceding paragraphs clearly that:
 1. The term Thadou is the name of eponymous ancestor of descendents of thadou who claimed to be descended from legendary progenitor called Chongthu;
 2. The controversies that almost wrecked the foundation of relationship between cousins among Thadous stemmed from strict enforcement of stringent principle of social structure based on respect and annual tribute paid to the senior lineal descent belonging to a single genealogical tree which must  on no account be blemished resulting from questions such as non-issue of male child known as INGAM, continuity of Generation of male line must perpetuate through procrastination by solemn marriage in conformity with customary law which does not recognize illegitimate off-spring out of extra-marital relationship, adoption, incestuous relationship within exogamous groups of people, etc., etc.;
 3. Thadous spread all over the hills surrounding the Valley of Manipur as could be evidenced from the writings of Makenze, A., in 1779, the renowned scholar and bureaucrat and as also by Sir Nicholar BEatson Bell, the former Chief Commisioner of Assam, said that the Anglo-Kuki War, 1917-19 was confined entirely to the Thadous….”
 4. Combining together all the findings of authorities on the Thadous beginning from McCulloch in 1857 down to Sir Nicholas Beatson Bell in 1945, the following categories of people are found to be Thadou. They are:
 a). Descendents of Shingmeng, the son of Thangpi, begetting Titou, Touhin, and Touthang, in the direct male descents from legendary ancestor, Chongthu, consisting of broadly  (1)Doungel (including lhotjim, Gwite, thuomlhun and Haolai), whom Hutton  had declared as head of the Thadous, (2) Sitlhou, (3)Singson, (4)Kipgen, (5)Haokip, (6)Chongloi, (7) Hangsing, and  (8) Touthang (Lhamhao);
 b). Descendants of Hangmeng, the younger brother of Shingmeng, in the second direct male lineal descents from legendary ancestor, Chongthu, consisting of (1) Kom, (2) Kilong,  (3) Chiru, (4) Chothe, (5) Purum , (6) Koireng, (7) Koirao, (8) Misao, (9) Lupheng, (10) Lupho, (11) Ngoilu (Ngailut), (12)  Tuiboi, and all other old Kuki groups not mentioned herein; AND
 c). Descendants of ancient races who are not of Chongthu pedigree but claiming to have lived over the earth, enduring the trauma of torturous and quelling Thimzin episode before Chongthu and his party emerged from the bowels of earth (khul or Khur) who have for all intents and purposes have absorbed and could as well be under the honourific ‘burman title’, called Thadou, meant for persons of fame and repute. They consist of (1) Lhangum, (2) Thangngeo,(3)  Lunkim, (4) Changsan, (5) Lenthang. They claim that they have not belonged to the descendants of Chongthu and have not been bound by the system of payment of ‘Sating’ to any of the above groups of clans at (a) and (b) above.
Lastly but not the least, the term ‘Khongsai’ was found first to have been used by the Haokip Thadou ‘for Thado’. They  also speak of themselves as ‘Thado’ and though this term, ‘Khongsai’, may be taken to cover all other clans, not actually claiming ‘Thado’ as an ancestor, ‘Khongsai’ originally and precisely  is used to denote ‘Thado’ “…who are the cream of ‘Khongsai’  per excellence, the male descendants of Thado..” according to  Hutton, Dr.J. H.: 1928
Having said and done without any prejudice to anyone, the findings and contentions on the subject matter are open for pragmatic and objective academic exercises for benefits of young intellectuals, administrators, anthropologists, sociologists and policy decision makers. However, the bottom line is that the thadous are also one of the numerous Kuki families.
1)  Jimmy Jamkhomang Thadou ( A brief ancient history of the Thadou inhabitants in Manipur Hills)
2)  T.S. Gangte (Structure of the Thadou society)