1. Mr. Pauneikhai, Ex-Minister
2. Mr. T. Goukhenpau, Ex-Minister
3. Mr. T. Gougin, Ex-Minister
4. Mr. Thangso Baite, Ex-Minister
5. Mr. T. Gouzadou, Ex-Minister
6. Mr. Thanglianmang@T. Manga, MLA
7. Mr. TC Misao IPS, DIG (Retd.)
8. Mr. L. Kailun IPS, SP Imphal West
9. Mr. Lamkhohen, Member MPSC, Manipur
10. Mrs. L. Lamchong, NCS Secretary, Nagaland
11. Mr. T. Misao, MPS, DSP Imphal
12. Mr. Haukholen, Bank Manager Imphal
13. Mr. Saupu, DI Kangpokpi
14. Mr. L. Haulet, Lecturer, Imphal College
15. Thonghang Tungnung SDO (Retd.) s/o (L) Nengtong (Nagaland)
16. Lt. Col. Thongzadou Tungnung (Retd) s/o (L) Donggin, Lamka.
17. (L) Tongkhothang DSP (Nagaland) s/o (L) Donggin
18. Ginkhosei Tungnung, General Manager MSRTC s/o (L) Gouchin
19. (L) Dr. ST Tungnung MO s/o (L) Donggin
20. Tualzathang Tungnung, Bank Manager BOB, s/o (L) Douzakham
21. Gouchinlian Tungnung, Bank Manager SBI s/o T. Ginkhothang
22. Ginzamang Tungnung, Lecturer s/o (L) Douzakham
23. Kapmuanthang Tungnung IFS s/o T. Gouzadou
24. Lt. Col. Ginlunmang Tungnung s/o T. Thongzadou
25. Thanglianhau Tungnung, Dy Commandant s/o T. Thongzadou
26. Somkholal Tungnung, ACIO (I) s/o Mrs. Chingkhongai
27. Thongzapau Tungnung DSP s/o T. Kaikhogin
28. (L) Letkhogin SDC s/o (L) Ulzahau
29. TC Tungnung, Head Master (Retd) s/o (L) Hangzachin
30. Jamlal Tungnung, Supdt. (Seri) s/o T. Dongkam
31. Dr. Ginzaniang Tungnung d/o T. Dongkam
32. Dr. Chiindeikim Tungnung d/o s/o T. Thongzadou
33. Ms. Siamhoiching, Dy. Commandant d/o s/o T. Thongzadou
34. Lt. Chinghoinei Tungnung (AMC) d/o Ex-Sub. (L) T. Ginkhojam
35. Tongchinmang SDO (Hort) s/o Thonghang Tungnung (Nagaland)
36. Mr. Lunneilal MCS Under Secretary
37. Mr. LM Khaute IPS, IGP
38. Mr. Genneikhup, UBI Officer
39. Mrs. Jouneikim, CDPO, ICDS
40. Mr. Jampu Baite, AI of School
41. Mr. Thangneisang Khaute, Manager UBI
42. Mrs. Neikhonieng, Lecturer
43. Mr. P. Vaiphei IAS, DC (Thoubal)
44. Mr. Henzamang, DCIO
45. Mr. Lunneikhup, Lecturer
46. Mr. Lamsei Baite, IFS, Conservator of Forest
47. Mr. Tongneilal, Lecturer
48. Mr. Paokhomang, Doctor, Assam Rifles
49. Mr. L. Mawia, Asst. Audit Officer, AG
50. Mr. Lalkhenthang, SBI Officer
51. Mr. Jamsei Baite, SDC
52. Mr. Lalcha Vaiphei, AI of School
53. Mr. Henpau, Supdt. Dist. Council
54. Mrs. Lhaikhotinlhing, Dy. Director (Seri)
55. Mr. Kai David, APO (Thoubal)
56. Mr. P. Kamla, MCS
57. Mrs. Kholhoikim, Lecturer
58. Mrs. Chongneilhing, DI of School
59. Mr. Thongkholal Baite, Asst. SSI
60. Mrs. Phalzalam, Lecturer
61. Miss Dr. Chinneilhing, Lecturer
62. Miss Mankhanmuan, PO SBI
63. Mrs. Mimi, Asst. Research Officer
64. Mrs. Lianman, SO, AG
65. Mr. Tinliankham, SO, PHED
66. Mr. Thangkholian, DO/LIC
67. Mrs. Dr. Tinglonlei, Medical Officer
68. Mrs. Rothangvung, SO, Manipur Secretariat
69. Mr. A. Kaizamang, SO/PWD
70. Mr. S. Minlianthang, MCS
71. Mr. Gentinlian, DCIO
72. Mr. Henlianthang Thanglet, CEO, Dist Council
73. Mrs. Tingneikim, Asst. Director W&M
74. Mr. Dr. Gouzalam, MO
75. Mr. Thonglet Baite, AE
76. Mrs. Engi Baite, Lecturer
77. Mrs. Zachong, APO
78. Mr. Thangkhankhual Suante, Lecturer
79. Mr. Kaikhokam, AE
80. Mr. Vungkholal, AE
81. Mr. Thangliankhup, ATMO
82. Mrs. Hoinu, AO
83. Mr. Lamkholal, Fishery Officer
84. Mr. Khaitinlian, UBI Officer
85. Mr. Dr. Paulunmang, Doctor
86. Mr. Pauchungnung, Lecturer
87. Mr. Siakpi, Supdt. Seri.
88. Mr. Dolian Capvung, Headmaster
89. Mr. Tonglal Baite, Lecturer
90. Mr. Lala Thangvung, Headmaster
91. Mrs. Lamneineng, Inspector Seri
92. Mr. Yangkhohau, Headmaster
93. Mr. Khailianthang, IPS, DIG
94. Mr. Henjang CRPF Second in Command
95. Mr. Gentinlal, BSF Commandant
96. Mr. Kapthiangou, CRPF Commandant
97. Mr. Kaipi, BSF Commandant
98. Mr. Ng. Gegen, CDS/Capt.
99. Mr. Pauliankap Buite, Manager NABARD
100. Mr. Pauliankap Leisel, Asst. Commndt. ISF
101. Mr. SK Hansing, Regional Manager/NIC
102. Mr. Paulemsang, Andhra Bank Manager
103. Mr. Vunglianthang, Officer BOB
104. Mr. Benjamin, IRS
105. Mr. Lynkhopau, Dy. Secy. Army HQ
106. Mr. Henkhomang, SO
107. Mrs. Kimkhovak, MD Associate Prof.
108. Mr. D. Thualkholal, SBI Officer
109. Mr. T. Vaiphei, Judge, Guwahati High Court
110. Mr. Paukhomang Suantak, CRPF Asst. Comdt.
111. Mr. Holkhopau Baite, Asst. Research Officer/Lok Sabha
112. Mr. Holzangam Baite, SO
113. Mr. Sesei Baite, SBI Manager
114. Mr. Paukhokhai, Insp. Custom & Excise
115. Mr. Robert J. Baite, DO LIC
116. Mr. Lalkhothang Thahgen, U/S, AIR
117. Mr. S. Paukholian, Insp. Central Excise
118. Mr. Letlalsiam, ACC
119. Mr. S. Lemlian, U/S, Water Resource GOI
120. Mr. Kailianmang, Insp. Income Tax
121. Mr. Soineilun, Sr. Adam Officer HPCL
122. Mr. Kamneikhup, Ground Officer, SAI
123. Mr. Nehkhomang, IDAS
124. Mr. Khaisawmmang, CDS
125. Mr. Khaiminlian, Asst. Commandant
126. Mr. Thiankhomang Baite, CDS
127. Mr. Boipi, SO
128. Mr. Khailunmang, PO Associate Bank
129. Mr. George Suantak, SO
130. Mr. Pausuanthang, Captian Army
131. Mr. Kamkhogin, Asst. Manager NABARD
132. Mr. GK Chin Khaute, IP&TS, (Gen. Manager Finance)
133. Mr. K. Vaiphei, IDAS
134. Mr. Jamsei Baite, Cooperative Officer
135. Mr. Gentinhau, Officer SBI
136. Mr. Paukai, AI School
137. Mr. Pauzasawi, JTO (Telecom)
138. Miss Lalngaikim, PO Baroda Bank
139. Miss Chochoi, MBBS
140. Mr. Jamkhopum Baite, MBBS
141. Mrs. Neithianting, BE (Civil)
142. Mr. Vungminlian, IIT (Engineer)
143. Mr. James Songlalmuan, IT (Engineer)
144. Mrs. Kimboi, IT (Engineer)
145. Mr. S. Boipu, IIT (Engineer)
146. Miss Boinu Vaiphei, Finance Service, Govt. of Manipur
147. Maj. Lalkai, Engineer/Army
148. Dr. Damzakhai, BV. Sc & Ex. MLA
149. Mr. L. Thanglet, Headmaster
150. Mr. Th Pakhai, SDC
151. Mr. Kaikhosat, SDC
152. Mr. Kaitinkhup, Lecturer
153. Mr. Henzagen, DSO
154. Mr. Thiandam, Dy. Director Statistic
155. Mr. Th. Lamboi, Lecturer
156. Mr. Palal Thangluai, Asst. Director, MHS
157. Mr. S. Khailam, Asst. Commdt. MPS
158. Mr. Lalkhokam, MO
159. Mr. Kaipau, DSO
160. Maj. T. Misao, Major/Army & Advocate
161. L. Vaiphei, Director, DHQ, sena bhawan.
2. Mr. T. Goukhenpau, Ex-Minister
3. Mr. T. Gougin, Ex-Minister
4. Mr. Thangso Baite, Ex-Minister
5. Mr. T. Gouzadou, Ex-Minister
6. Mr. Thanglianmang@T. Manga, MLA
7. Mr. TC Misao IPS, DIG (Retd.)
8. Mr. L. Kailun IPS, SP Imphal West
9. Mr. Lamkhohen, Member MPSC, Manipur
10. Mrs. L. Lamchong, NCS Secretary, Nagaland
11. Mr. T. Misao, MPS, DSP Imphal
12. Mr. Haukholen, Bank Manager Imphal
13. Mr. Saupu, DI Kangpokpi
14. Mr. L. Haulet, Lecturer, Imphal College
15. Thonghang Tungnung SDO (Retd.) s/o (L) Nengtong (Nagaland)
16. Lt. Col. Thongzadou Tungnung (Retd) s/o (L) Donggin, Lamka.
17. (L) Tongkhothang DSP (Nagaland) s/o (L) Donggin
18. Ginkhosei Tungnung, General Manager MSRTC s/o (L) Gouchin
19. (L) Dr. ST Tungnung MO s/o (L) Donggin
20. Tualzathang Tungnung, Bank Manager BOB, s/o (L) Douzakham
21. Gouchinlian Tungnung, Bank Manager SBI s/o T. Ginkhothang
22. Ginzamang Tungnung, Lecturer s/o (L) Douzakham
23. Kapmuanthang Tungnung IFS s/o T. Gouzadou
24. Lt. Col. Ginlunmang Tungnung s/o T. Thongzadou
25. Thanglianhau Tungnung, Dy Commandant s/o T. Thongzadou
26. Somkholal Tungnung, ACIO (I) s/o Mrs. Chingkhongai
27. Thongzapau Tungnung DSP s/o T. Kaikhogin
28. (L) Letkhogin SDC s/o (L) Ulzahau
29. TC Tungnung, Head Master (Retd) s/o (L) Hangzachin
30. Jamlal Tungnung, Supdt. (Seri) s/o T. Dongkam
31. Dr. Ginzaniang Tungnung d/o T. Dongkam
32. Dr. Chiindeikim Tungnung d/o s/o T. Thongzadou
33. Ms. Siamhoiching, Dy. Commandant d/o s/o T. Thongzadou
34. Lt. Chinghoinei Tungnung (AMC) d/o Ex-Sub. (L) T. Ginkhojam
35. Tongchinmang SDO (Hort) s/o Thonghang Tungnung (Nagaland)
36. Mr. Lunneilal MCS Under Secretary
37. Mr. LM Khaute IPS, IGP
38. Mr. Genneikhup, UBI Officer
39. Mrs. Jouneikim, CDPO, ICDS
40. Mr. Jampu Baite, AI of School
41. Mr. Thangneisang Khaute, Manager UBI
42. Mrs. Neikhonieng, Lecturer
43. Mr. P. Vaiphei IAS, DC (Thoubal)
44. Mr. Henzamang, DCIO
45. Mr. Lunneikhup, Lecturer
46. Mr. Lamsei Baite, IFS, Conservator of Forest
47. Mr. Tongneilal, Lecturer
48. Mr. Paokhomang, Doctor, Assam Rifles
49. Mr. L. Mawia, Asst. Audit Officer, AG
50. Mr. Lalkhenthang, SBI Officer
51. Mr. Jamsei Baite, SDC
52. Mr. Lalcha Vaiphei, AI of School
53. Mr. Henpau, Supdt. Dist. Council
54. Mrs. Lhaikhotinlhing, Dy. Director (Seri)
55. Mr. Kai David, APO (Thoubal)
56. Mr. P. Kamla, MCS
57. Mrs. Kholhoikim, Lecturer
58. Mrs. Chongneilhing, DI of School
59. Mr. Thongkholal Baite, Asst. SSI
60. Mrs. Phalzalam, Lecturer
61. Miss Dr. Chinneilhing, Lecturer
62. Miss Mankhanmuan, PO SBI
63. Mrs. Mimi, Asst. Research Officer
64. Mrs. Lianman, SO, AG
65. Mr. Tinliankham, SO, PHED
66. Mr. Thangkholian, DO/LIC
67. Mrs. Dr. Tinglonlei, Medical Officer
68. Mrs. Rothangvung, SO, Manipur Secretariat
69. Mr. A. Kaizamang, SO/PWD
70. Mr. S. Minlianthang, MCS
71. Mr. Gentinlian, DCIO
72. Mr. Henlianthang Thanglet, CEO, Dist Council
73. Mrs. Tingneikim, Asst. Director W&M
74. Mr. Dr. Gouzalam, MO
75. Mr. Thonglet Baite, AE
76. Mrs. Engi Baite, Lecturer
77. Mrs. Zachong, APO
78. Mr. Thangkhankhual Suante, Lecturer
79. Mr. Kaikhokam, AE
80. Mr. Vungkholal, AE
81. Mr. Thangliankhup, ATMO
82. Mrs. Hoinu, AO
83. Mr. Lamkholal, Fishery Officer
84. Mr. Khaitinlian, UBI Officer
85. Mr. Dr. Paulunmang, Doctor
86. Mr. Pauchungnung, Lecturer
87. Mr. Siakpi, Supdt. Seri.
88. Mr. Dolian Capvung, Headmaster
89. Mr. Tonglal Baite, Lecturer
90. Mr. Lala Thangvung, Headmaster
91. Mrs. Lamneineng, Inspector Seri
92. Mr. Yangkhohau, Headmaster
93. Mr. Khailianthang, IPS, DIG
94. Mr. Henjang CRPF Second in Command
95. Mr. Gentinlal, BSF Commandant
96. Mr. Kapthiangou, CRPF Commandant
97. Mr. Kaipi, BSF Commandant
98. Mr. Ng. Gegen, CDS/Capt.
99. Mr. Pauliankap Buite, Manager NABARD
100. Mr. Pauliankap Leisel, Asst. Commndt. ISF
101. Mr. SK Hansing, Regional Manager/NIC
102. Mr. Paulemsang, Andhra Bank Manager
103. Mr. Vunglianthang, Officer BOB
104. Mr. Benjamin, IRS
105. Mr. Lynkhopau, Dy. Secy. Army HQ
106. Mr. Henkhomang, SO
107. Mrs. Kimkhovak, MD Associate Prof.
108. Mr. D. Thualkholal, SBI Officer
109. Mr. T. Vaiphei, Judge, Guwahati High Court
110. Mr. Paukhomang Suantak, CRPF Asst. Comdt.
111. Mr. Holkhopau Baite, Asst. Research Officer/Lok Sabha
112. Mr. Holzangam Baite, SO
113. Mr. Sesei Baite, SBI Manager
114. Mr. Paukhokhai, Insp. Custom & Excise
115. Mr. Robert J. Baite, DO LIC
116. Mr. Lalkhothang Thahgen, U/S, AIR
117. Mr. S. Paukholian, Insp. Central Excise
118. Mr. Letlalsiam, ACC
119. Mr. S. Lemlian, U/S, Water Resource GOI
120. Mr. Kailianmang, Insp. Income Tax
121. Mr. Soineilun, Sr. Adam Officer HPCL
122. Mr. Kamneikhup, Ground Officer, SAI
123. Mr. Nehkhomang, IDAS
124. Mr. Khaisawmmang, CDS
125. Mr. Khaiminlian, Asst. Commandant
126. Mr. Thiankhomang Baite, CDS
127. Mr. Boipi, SO
128. Mr. Khailunmang, PO Associate Bank
129. Mr. George Suantak, SO
130. Mr. Pausuanthang, Captian Army
131. Mr. Kamkhogin, Asst. Manager NABARD
132. Mr. GK Chin Khaute, IP&TS, (Gen. Manager Finance)
133. Mr. K. Vaiphei, IDAS
134. Mr. Jamsei Baite, Cooperative Officer
135. Mr. Gentinhau, Officer SBI
136. Mr. Paukai, AI School
137. Mr. Pauzasawi, JTO (Telecom)
138. Miss Lalngaikim, PO Baroda Bank
139. Miss Chochoi, MBBS
140. Mr. Jamkhopum Baite, MBBS
141. Mrs. Neithianting, BE (Civil)
142. Mr. Vungminlian, IIT (Engineer)
143. Mr. James Songlalmuan, IT (Engineer)
144. Mrs. Kimboi, IT (Engineer)
145. Mr. S. Boipu, IIT (Engineer)
146. Miss Boinu Vaiphei, Finance Service, Govt. of Manipur
147. Maj. Lalkai, Engineer/Army
148. Dr. Damzakhai, BV. Sc & Ex. MLA
149. Mr. L. Thanglet, Headmaster
150. Mr. Th Pakhai, SDC
151. Mr. Kaikhosat, SDC
152. Mr. Kaitinkhup, Lecturer
153. Mr. Henzagen, DSO
154. Mr. Thiandam, Dy. Director Statistic
155. Mr. Th. Lamboi, Lecturer
156. Mr. Palal Thangluai, Asst. Director, MHS
157. Mr. S. Khailam, Asst. Commdt. MPS
158. Mr. Lalkhokam, MO
159. Mr. Kaipau, DSO
160. Maj. T. Misao, Major/Army & Advocate
161. L. Vaiphei, Director, DHQ, sena bhawan.
tungnung teng le vvaiphei himai chi o...........
tungnung officer teng2 vaiphei aihleh ZOUS ARE VAIPHEIS??? wat a nuihjat huais!!
wow.. Zou teng2 Vaiphei hi kia ta mo??
i think so. ka thei kei, some one else made the list. lah ngai toh dan ahi kei le i'll make corrections.
tungnung te hile vaiphei diktak ahiu.
Milhiem(Lupho, Lupheng, Misao) as Vaiphei.. what a hilarious list..
this is mockery of your own site. rendering the authenticity of ur site at a great risk.
I think necessary corrections are needed to be made in the list as this includes names from other tribes like the 'misao , tungnung etc ' etc. . . And all the tribals of d N-E kn0w that. . So plz Make d necessary corrections ASAP!
jia a chunga thugen te hin la history helou lahiu ah ka hung hethiam hi........read and know your history and geneology
History book, research a ki bawl te ala sim in lang a zaw phat le la jik ding hung ki gel veng veng in
Books for your reference:
The Profile of a Burma Frontier man- By Vum Ko Hau
le a dang dang te
a chengnau a chuam a pau dang a mat khak jiakuah vak ki chuam koi mai mai ahiu, chapa taimang gual ahiu, nikhat hung kile kit in tin uh jia phat chule nek le chak tui pen tawh ala lawm ding in kisai tiu
a diak in Tungnung te khan kua lahiu em la pi pu te ala dawng un lang hileu chun phanna........mi hina ki hechian lou chu thil pawi tak ai..know thyself first.....remember your roots.
Unau kkihuitup asiatna aum puai. Whoever prepare this list: "LABAWL PHAI"
Kuan bang gen lale Thisan khat chu thisankhat ahi thou thou hi
Vaiphei people should also read history book written by other tribe and other clan ... Do not limit urself to history book written by ur own kinsmen... jackass.....
respect others then others will respect you....
Neitham, Lupheng, Hoinge, Misao ti te hih Vaiphei chule hikha naven tiu. Suantak phung ah pawt chule hikha naven tiu. Himaleh a tamzaw hi Kuki ah um a hiu. Neitham tawh Singphun hi namkhat(phungkhat) hi-in a kigen sekah. Himaleh Singphun te hi Vaiphei in a umdeu ua, Neitham ahleh Kuki in a um tam ui. Khenkhat chu Hmar in a um ui.
Baite hile Suantak phung-gui chu hingei-leh a kilawm hi (according to Vumkohao). Himaleh a tamzaw hi Kuki in a um ua, khenkhat chu Paite in le a um ui.
Suante hile Suantak tawh a kibang ahi a tiu. Dik le dik kha naven tih. Himaleh Zou/Thangkhal in a um deu ui.
Tungnung hile Suantak phung-gui ah kipat pawt le hi thou inau. Himaleh Paite, Zou etc., a kiti deu ui.
Vaiphei te Vaiphei simdan zachak umthim khat chu : Hoinge, Misao, Baite khenkhat, Neihsial khenkhat(Gangte kitite), Suante, Neitham & Tungnung etc. te hi, amau Vaiphei bon kitilou ua, Vaiphei ah va sim teitei khan bang a phachuam diam? VNO/VPC 'fund' le petalou, Zillai 'fund' le petalou tite le a tam tau ah. Tribe certificate le, Paite, Thado, Hmar tribe certificate la a tam tau ah, zia bep chu hilovin, a society mong moawng ah le Vaiphei society ah kibual talou le a tam tau ah, Vaiphei le kiti nuamlou le a tam ui. Census ah le Paite, Thado-Kuki, Hmar gualah kiziklut a tam tau. Kidouna umlehle Vaiphei lamah pang talouding le taminau.
Etsaknan Kuki tawh kidouna bang umleh, Kuki sungah Baite, Lupheng, Hoinge, Misao te sawn Vaiphei chu that maiding ahi tau ah, ziagualma chun Paite tawh kidouna um tabang leh, Paite sungah Baite, Tungnung, Suante tihaw sawn vaiphei chu that ding ahi tau ah, ziaziak chun i nam sim danuh leh i nam khendan uh hi pani(two) umsak ngaita hileh a kilawm hi.
Pakhatna ah chun geneology dungzui hintin, panina ah chun political conversion iti diam, social conversion iti diam, ahiloleh "by choice" itidiam ah (Vaiphei ah um leh umlo dungzui ah) khen ngaileh a kilawm hi.
Muslimte hile Babur, Akbar, Aurangzeb tite khan ala convert uh ahitau ah. Convert ahinung sanguh chu Hindu muda te hikit maita a hiu. A geneology uh chu kibang maleh, a lungthim uh leh a panna lamuh (side)a kibang tapuai.
Vaiphei te hi bangma buaipiloute i hiu ah. Zia haw hi sui det det ah, genkhawm le um paw vei tiu. Pathian Pathian mawk ti ziang. Pathian awi i hiu em i tileh lah, Pathian awi hingal zia bang bang ah mi kituaklo chule a makna e maw?Pathian awi i hiu em i tileh, zia bang bangah mi lungthim/dawha a nep a noi, a zen a bua, a neuh neuh hau talua chule bangti Pathian awi i hi diamuh maw?
Vaiphei lam ah pang taphawt chu Vaiphei hizaw hen lah, Vaiphei a dingah thil suse te leh, Kuki, Paite ahiloleh ei doute lamah pang chu Vaiphei hilou danin kipawm thei zawleh masawnna a umzaw diam? Geneology dungzui bep ah bol zawm nalai ding i hiu em? Amrica te chun geneology dungzuiin a bol puau ah, citizenship leh America a dingah a kipiakzaw dungzui-in a bol zawu. Himaleh History ah chun geneology chu a zik thou ua, ziagual deu danah chun, history hi completely ignore hilouvin, himaleh political & socially converted, accepted, dedicated lam haw hile en leu hin pha hilou maw? Etsaknan Vaiphei hung embraced chu a faithful nak nak leh Vaiphei ah pawm mai di. Heart & soul ah pawm mai di. Ziagualma chun Vaiphei phung-gui ala hiziang lehle, kuahem khat chu namdang a embrace ah, nam dang a panpi ah, nam dang lamah a faithful zawk ah, namdang ah a lungthim a cheng zawk ahi chun kawi dan khatah kawi mai hizawleh, i masawn thei zaw diam uh?
Pawnpi khua kiti khat a um ah. Zia chuh Churachandpur district sung ngei hinalai a hi. Zia takah chun Vaipheite tampi ala cheng sek ua. A chen khawmnau a sawt tak ziakin, Vaipheite lakah Pulamte kiti te chun Vaiphei pau ngen a thaw(mang) tau ah. Himaleh Vaipheite chun phung a suikhum a sukhum sek ua. Pulamte chu Hmar hilou maw ti-in a va phil a va phil sek ua, a tawp a tawp ah chun a phil dawk tau. Vaiphei um ah ala umta, kum tamtak ala umta, a patriotism uh le Vaiphei lamah umta te nasan le va phil daw tei tei hi a ngai tak tak em?
I dawilawk manuh ahi kati ahi. Bang ahem khat kinialna, ahiloleh ki hiatthiamlona neucha a umleh, gending hiatlo manin Vaiphei ahi puai ti lamin i bolchak ua, zia chuh gual zawna danah i nei uh hi-in ka mui. La gualzaw sek dan chu a dawilawk huai bep hilou-in nampi ngaidan ahi em tile ki enchian thak in. Zia bep chu hilovin la outlook neudan chuh, nang zawk chu Vaiphei te a dingah bangma semlou zaw le himaithei la hi. Outlook neu talaw te ziak in kawng tamtak in i suffer tau.
Paite lakah hin Neihsial, Baite, Guite, Hangshing, Suantak, Khaute a um ui. Himaleh "anybody can be a Paite" ti hih official in announce lou maleu, unwritten in a hethiam chiat mai ua. Paite chu kuama min chuam a hi pua, mi particular khat min ahi diak pua, ziaziak chun Paite kiti chu Paite ahimai hih ti-in a pawm ua, a phatchuampi ma ma un ka hiai.
Hmar leh Mizo lakin le ahi thou hi. Hmar leh Mizo lakin le phung chuam chuam a um ua, Mizo bik tile a um diak puai. Mizo ah um chuh Mizo ahi mai hi. Sailo te hile Suantak suante a hiu (according to Pu Vum ko hau). Himaleh Mizo ah um chu Mizo himai. Det tak leh lungthim takin a pawm mai ui. Hmar te lakah hinle Tusing te hi Vaiphei a kiti sek ah. Himaleh Hmar in a umden tau. Hmar chuh kuama min chuam ahi pua "anybody can be a Hmar" ti a lungthim ua outlook liantak a neithei ziakuh hingei dingin ginchak a um hi. Dik takah gendingin Vaiphei hile mihing min ahi pua, "anybody can be a Vaiphei" titheina lungthim leh outlook liantak neithei leuhin chuh pha ma ma leh a kilawm hi. Vaiphei le kiti nuam talou te Vaiphei ah va sim/bul veu sangin nuizat umlou zawleh a kilawm hi.
Vaipheite namdang lakah mang a umthei ah, namdang Vaipheite lakah hung mangden/umden a um theio ziak hi a chingzaw leh a thiamzaw te i huphul ziakuh a hi. Midang huphul takluatna hih Vaiphei te dinmun ding khualna leh Vaiphei nam suklet guatna tawh a kikal(contrdict) hi. Midang huphul takluatna hih, kei bep bep in ne(eat) leng ti ziak ahi nuam ah, kei bep a luchang(head) hizing leng tina ziak le a hi nuam ah, kei bep in "pumbil" zing leng tina ziak le ahinuam zawi. A pil zaw le huphul, a thiamzaw le huphul, a semtam leh a tawmngai te le huphul ziang chuh Vaiphei a dingah natna(disease) ahi zawi. Vaiphei diktak hiziang lehle Vaiphei a dingin disease ahi. Ziagual attitude neite chun Vaiphei nam thupi nading a kal(dal) ua, Vaipheite nam let(mighty) nading ah obstacle ahi sek ui. Kum ziachanpi hih bangkim ah a kitingzou ua. Bangkim ah a luchang ala hizing ua. Himaleh tuni tiangin Vaipheite bangma tiang a tut puau. Vaiphei diktak kahi tizing-ziangpa kha Vaiphei a dingah phachuampa ahi diak puai. Thingtang ah ka chen lai-in V.S. Bema Vaiphei kiti khat a um ah (a phung dungzui ah chun Hmar a hia). Solfa a thiam ah, ama solfa thiam ziakin nungak tangval ten khawmpi na bangin pakhatna bangle ava la sekuh ahi. Social service lam a kithalawp ah, da ni leh kipakni in muntin gamtin ah a taivel pei ah, ka phatchuampi ma ma ui. Vaiphei diktak kahi ei helou lahem mawk ti-ti ziang te sangin, khawmi leh kochuam ten ama chu a phatchuampi zaw ma ma ui. Tunungin vang V.S. Bema Hmar tingawn ah zik kitta hileh kilawm. Phung hi a beithei a hi pua, va buaipi ten lou leuhinle phung chu umzing ding a hia, a bei ding lauthawng a ngai puai. Bei pawven tih. Clinton le bei puan tin, Bush leh bei puan ah. Kennedy le bei puan tin Lincoln le bei puan ah. Ziagualma chun ei-uh a le bei puanah. Va buaipi talaw lou leuhinle bei ma ma pawventih. Nam ahi phatleh chiadan chuamdeu ah chiapi a ngai hi. Nam pum huap ah chiapi ding thil a um ah. Nam khantouna dingah panlak (take-up) ding thil a um ah, nam lian(great) zaw hithei nadingah panlak tawh phungthu mekmat loudan leh a khenthiam dan um ahi. A chiapi dan helou ten leadership a tuk phat ua leh buai sek i hiu. Phung khualna tawh Nampi khualna le kibanglou ahi. Outlook lianzaw nei kawmin ki enchian thak thei leu hin phanah.
shitheads............. write in english...
Baa baa black sheep - thats English.
England te flag kha pha takin en leu chin Khiangkawi ahi. Common Wealth Games 2010, New Delhi ah khan a dawk mun ma ma hi. A flag uh khiangkawi ahiziak chu England te hi Vaiphei a hiu. Independent a mu phat ua Vaiphei kiti talou a hiu ah, himaleh khiangkawi ahileh vang, a ngaina ma ma nalai ua, a mang zing nalai uh ahi.
T. Goukhenpau Ex-Minister
T. Gougin Ex-Minister
T. Goudzaou Ex-Minister
Chih mawk in ah :
Vaiphei a kiti sekuh em ti lampang le et ngai-in tin. Kum ziachanpi khah Manipur South district ah political figure liantak ala hiu ah, Gokhenpau hih Vaiphei a kiti kha mawng mawng em? PNC(Paite National Council) President le hisek, Paite National Council candidate le hisek hilou mawh? Ahim him thu-in Vaiphei tribe certificate le la ut talou te hilou uh maw? Paite tribe certificate la hilou maw? Society ah le Paite society am kisim(simtel) hita (by choice), kouchuam ah le Paite kouchuam ah um, ama ngei le Paite kiti ahi taak ziakin Geneology chu history mai ahi ta, practical and daily life ah chun a chawndan leh a tawmngai suana chuh Vaiphei nam sung ahi tapua, a patriotism leh a contribution chu Paite nam sung (within and inside Paite)ahi tai.
A beh(phung) min(name)sui(investigate)khan umzia anei tapuai (does it really make him a Vaiphei now? I dont think so).
Ahilovanglak leh, ama hi Vaiphei ten va convince zo taktak, and convert zo taktak kihi kik vanglak leh, banah pan le la pei tak tak kihi kik vanglak leh thukhat le kasai.
Re-convert pen kha i bawl zaw diaklo ua chun, 'to call him a Vaiphei from a distance or merely in writing' chu umzia bei ahi. Vaiphei clan chu hile hikha naven tiu. Himaleh i bawl ding penuh chu a laklut kha a hi. A lungthim uh i convince zaw uh a ngai ah, zia dingah chun Vaiphei sung kha a muan ngam ua, beltaak a sak uh a ngai hi.
Mi khenkhat chun beltaak hileh hilou thu ah Vaiphei kiti ding ahi puai ti-in ei nial ut ngei ding lahiu ah. Zia chuh amau ut taloupiu chulah (nang lati eileh, amau Goukhenpau, Goudou, Gougin etc. te chuh ut talou piu chulah). Ei-uh lamin i bol dinguh chuh beltaak (nam chavailou) i hi uh le ngailou ding a hem, i dawi tak tak ua leh, ti thu ahi chu. "A ut lou ua leh ka doi taktak diak puai, khawk le kasa puai" vang hung ti se se da mai-in. I doi tak tak ua, Vaiphei a utlou sa sa unle Vaiphei ah i ziklut tei tei uh hilam. Doi vang i doi ui (Vaiphei kiti dingin i doi ui).
Chuti ahileh bang lawding ahi tadiam leh?
I will tell you : Mihing hi ala en veng veng leuchin i pau matna pen pen ah khan a ki-um deu chiat hi. Ziziak ah chun Vaiphei pau hi popular sak zo deu leuhin vang a mihing le kipung deu leh a kilawm hi.
Lekhabu neilou te i hiu ah, zia hin thil tampi a susia ma ma hi. Panina ah chun i pau matdan uh leh i pau ngainat lou dan uh hi nuizat a um hi. A inthangpa Paite ahileh Paite pau tawh helkhawm lemlum paiziang te i hiu. A insakpa Gangte ahileh Gangte pau tawh helkhawm lemlum paiziang te i hiu. Lungthim bulbal neilou leh lungthim det neilou leh pau ngaina lou te i hiu. Thadou te tawh a kithua khak leh a Vaiphei pau chu thado pau tawh helkhawm lemlum paiziang te i hiu.
Pau leh nam hi a chiakhawm a hia, a kikhen theilou ahi. La pau mat nam pen pen ah um tei tei ding lahi. ziaziak chun Vaiphei pau hi nasa takah pan lak ah, bawlphat a ngai ah, lekhabu zik lam le habawl ngai ahi. A grammar haw tawh spelling zik dan haw le kihitua nading ah bullettin bek nei a ngai hi.
Pathian Pathian ti ah, mi sum lawdaw sa, khawsa-ul phul zen ah a lawdaw sa uh hijack nading ngaitua lam kha habawl da tai tiu. "Easy money" a hia, Pathian thu tawh le a kituak puai.
Pau(language) in nam a siam ah, Nam inle pau a siam hi. I pau(language) uh hi UNATTENDED ah i kawizing ua leh, ei-uh tawh mangthai khawm (nam dang lakah tummang khawm) ding i hiu.
Wat is this Misao tribe in list of vaiphei officer...
don't u have any self respect for urself.. such low principle that u need we Misao to be under ur tribe..
go and do a thorough study of history. writen by others. especialy by Misao writer..
shameles people...
Lem Misao kitipa hi Misao lahi puai. Vaiphei list ah Misao a pan ziakin Misao diktak ten ziagual paukam chu hung mang puanau. Misao taktak ten Vaiphei list ah a nam minuh telsak ahi a zadah zen zen kei-uh. Suatak clan mah ahi uh a kithei lua uh. Kuki ah a omna uh a sawtta a, a pau zat-uh le thado pau ahita a, huaiziaka Kuki ah omsuak mai ahi ua, geneology-history tuh a thei thou ua, a zadah zen zen kei-uh.
Nang, Misao le hilou, Vaiphei le hilou khong. Mi kina leu chih deih thei lel... Misao le hilou, Misao dana hong kibawltawm(ha ha ha).
Vaiphei tamzaw te chu themzou thou naven latih. Carry on.
Vaiphei te sangin Vaiphei lo ten comment hi simzaw a bang ziang ua.
Vaiphei blog hile, a thawn ah i kawi sangun, article, comments, poetry, serious and light discussions te leh a dang dang zik nan mangthei leu hin phading a hia, gen ut neilou chuh puaknat neilou le hideu eivei. Nam feeling nei lah ki-um talou. A blog neitu te nasan hin le thado pau tivel a dim dim ah kawi ziang ti hile etsak khat a nei hi: Everything within the Vaiphei society, be it politics, social, literature or culture, either Kuki or Paite ten a control/brainwashed/dominate zianguh a bang tai. Zachat umdeumai eivei. Vaiphei blog ah thado pau a dim ah hung ki post hile kua te hemkhat propaganda hi get ventih. A hun post-tu hile Paite le hizaw maithei. Lungthim nei takah ahun boluh le himaithei. Vaiphei ten ziahaw chu he puanau.
Misao ho vaiphei kahi ouva le nakil chu leh tang..
jong ku gol... na jang chang sauntak thu nahin sei nalai ham. oiucha namin kisan jong jih ngam lou va natil sauntak thu nasei ham.....
Misao te hi Vaiphei, himaleh Kuki kiti a hiu. Nang nathei keidi. Nang Misao hilou nahih chiah. A tangvalpa tai chen2 a suangpi tungah aarg chite nahi.
Vaiphei( i.e. Sauntak and Khaute) are Misao youngest Subclans.
no doubt should be there.. this is the truth
Hallo Mr. Len Misao, Vaiphei (i.e. Suantak and Khaute) te Misao youngest subclans a hiuleh, Khaute & Suantak chulah Vaiphei a hi ngal ua, chuti ahileh Misao chuh Vaiphei ahi chulah. Bangatia Misao Vaiphei hilou lati mawleh? Misao lahi pua eivei maw? Misao lahilou ziakah bangma helou leivei maw? Huaiziakin ah tikit mai tang aw..
Vaiphei are Misao youngest subclan .
vaipheis should all called themselves Misao..
not Vaiphei.
they should called themselves by their progenitor Misao not vaiphei... all Vaiphei should called themselves Misao not Vaiphei ( Sauntak & Khaute).
Vaiphei are the lost members of Misao Clan. they should return back to their roots Misao.
and called themselves Misao not Vaiphei...:)
Thats too far fetched. La ki hope sang na e leh
Truth is hard to digest.
Truth is not hard to digest. The sun rises in the east. That is truth. I dont find it hard to digest.
Donkeys too have tails. That is truth. I dont find it hard to digest.
The earth revolves round the sun. That is truth. I dont find it hard to digest.
Jesus died on the cross and rose again. That is truth. I dont find it hard to digest.
Kukiland. Thats a dream. I find it hard to digest (ha ha ha)
vaiphei are hammer and chisel for paite , that the truth,
the truth: misao are misao.
coward don't have guts to write their own name.
len misao hi lekha he phel phul he chian mang lou, ki mawk fu sak dan in ka ngai ah, kua hem khat chun phatak cha ala thep chimit hiding dan ai....thangtawm pan pai mai.
Zia gual lungthim hi anei lou tak un mizosia kinak pi dou in tin uh zawng2 (vanquished)jiang, gal ah ngam mun ah ngam lou te ahiu halim sak da un.......barking dog seldom bites. ti te kha ahiu. a gen thim kipil sak bang ma helou
ka et le Tungnung le Misao, lupho te hin a paw na diak ui ajiak chu ahi natak uh kisu lang kha.......ahinau la hi ngal ahinla zou pau, thadou pau vel avak thaw tak jiak uah ki intek sak ma ma uh chu le la a hinau a chalkiu (forehead) ah dawk ngal....na chu a sau maw
len said....vaiphei are hammer and chisel for paite , that the truth,
the truth: misao are misao.
coward don't have guts to write their own name.
Mr. Len hina kihelou, thadou pau la vak mang uh ai le nang uh lahiu kha lam mi khetbuk...hammer and chisel of so called disintegrated war monger who always wage a war against a harmless and peaceful tribe but in the end have never won rue and regret. Grow up come to us we will protect you and show you how to live a life,...........shame on that that you dare to utter this word hammer and chisel.
vaiphei are 1/5 of Thadou population..
first protect urself. and learn to live as an independent tribe without any1 help..
then only speak about protection.. otherwise shut ur fucking mouth.
Vaiphei is an independent tribe.If u don't know even that just shut up ,Mr. Len. We do not force others to join Us,like that of the people that you are very proud of it.
r u vaipheis crazy ....u want 2 create ethnic clashes with your others CHIKIM tribes mates i,e, tungnung of zou tribe and lupho,lupheng n misao of thadou tribes by by enlisting them among suantak officers...d moderator of this vaiphei blog-vaiphei online is request at d earliest 2 unlist the officers who does belong to vaiphei family at all-whether in terms of geneology or dialect...oderwise there wil be a big misunderstanding in the days to come.....
i want 2 make a clarification known 2 all my dear vaiphei freinds that THE HANGMI CLANSi,e.lupho,lupheng ,misao and few others, is in no way associated with vaiphei tribe in its historical past.we the hangmi clans are 100 percent thadou speaking and we belong purely among the thadou-kuki tribe.and i request all the vaiphei people,whether your social organisation or church ,not to make any further claims of the hangmi clans,as it may lead to a big misunderstanding in the future....thank you
I'm afraid you guys may be wrong!!!!!
What's all this ruckus leading to anyway?? Man! There is and has been lot of troubles ,clashes and wars between many tribes already! Didn't we have enough yet?? Guys think about it. .where we are out of north east India, and go to other places where there are people c0mpletely diffrent then us and we'r alien to that place and you meet a person who's kuki,zou,paite,vaiphei,mizo,hmar,misao,baite,simte,gangte or any other person belonging to any ethnic group from manipur. . . U feel happy to see em' Man!! we do Not realize that we are all under the same sun watched over by the almighty!! As it is we are all living in Manipur and being called as Manipuris however u try to explain about ur tribe to a fellow delhi or bangalore guy or even our neighbouring friends(the khasis and garos)from Meghalaya!! Times have changed. . . .and we should all move on helping each other and protecting each other!! Hope the almighty has a plan for us all! God bless us all. . . .
Has'nt there been enough trouble in the region? Let us not do anything that might provoke another misunderstanding amongst the tribal people of Manipur.After all, we're all brothers and sisters. 'TOGETHER WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL'
hahahaha.. funny list.Damn Helpless. Even they started compiling the List of Vaipheis in Nagaland.
Let me make it sure that Vaipheis in Nagaland Never speak Vaiphei. They are aprt of Misao and they Speak Thadou Kuki Only.
Even in Manipur, Majority of Vaipheis from Chandel, Sadar Hills are Thadou Speakers.
Vaipheis from New Lamka are the Hammer of Paites.
Shameless on them.
Vaipheis are Zoumis, get lost.
We dont need such losers among us.
the vaiphei are one of the tribe of the mizo what the difference tell me anybody.
you are right why should you be the hammer of the paite which you can run away from them like the gangtes do, silly people, it give me an heartache for my people suffering which alone i can do nothing, you are still not a loser, still the vaiphei we belong to the mizo clan, accept it or not we are, why not be the vaiphei mizo , which we are already for generations
Guess what Guys!! Indian population is about 1.22 billion... just think about it where we fit in...yes you guess right, we are a needle in a haystack..Hmmm.. leave about us,People in other parts of India don't even know Manipur existence Huh!! funny ha! Naga,Mizo,KuKi,Paite,Vaiphei etc etc we all are known as Chingkes's(Chines)after crossing Assam..lolzzzzz. Guy's what I exactly mean to say is that,you may called your self misao,michawm,vaiphei,vaizawm whatever people see us as the same, and they don't give a shit about us...dame!! That's why Manipur is consider as danger as J&K, There is no Human Right.And when there is no Human Right in an area all the people in that area are considered not human i.e. we all are animals in the eyes of the law...hahaha Now, You guys exactly know who we are in this country. And the truth, we all are still acting like an animal. Here is the lyric of animal song..< Kuki Land mu na ding a hi po le man in sat in pai mang in> sorry no offense.
Guy's I thing its time for all of us to come together.
Wake up guy's...What! you still want to kill your own brothers, die in hell you moron's
Whatever, I think the guy who posted the list really did a great job controversial or noncontroversial we all hv a chance to look into these name of great and hard working people whom we are proud to called them our own tribes Salute.
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