Monday, July 23, 2007

A tribute to (Late) pi. Hoinu

SHE was all there even before HER birth. SHE had

toiled all the way from South Delhi to North only

for HER. Till her very last days, SHE selflessly nurtured

HER with ideas and suggestions. HER welfare was

one of her prime concerns and contributed her resources

as much as SHE shared her valuable suggestions. SHE is

none other than (Late) Pi. Hoinu and HER is nobody but

Zillai Delhi Branch (ZDB).

Apart from serving the ZDB in different important capacity,

Pi. Hoinu gave literally her everything for the ZDB.

Her Quarter [1623, Sector-5, R.K.Puram] had hosted the

ZDB office for several years. Not a penny charge for that.

Rather on many occasions, SHE welcomed all those going

for meetings with a glass of cold water and tea. The arguably

most famous address - for the Vaiphei community in

Delhi – has also been the correspondence address for many

zillais including those appearing for competitive exams. Indeed,

it’s a blessing for the many whose admission, calling

and appointment letter comes via 1623. I remember the day

when SHE rang me up to inform about the arrival of my cousin’s

calling letter with so much concern for the dateline. How

many more zillais SHE must have rang up?

In a nutshell, (Late) Pi. Hoinu was an embodiment of dedication,

altruism and truth. True follower of ‘in words & deeds’,

her no-nonsense attitude was a fountain of inspiration for others.

ZDB is greatly indebted to (Late) Pi. Hoinu. Her demise is

an irreparable loss to the vaiphei community in general and

to the zillais in particular. The ZDB deeply expressed its sorrows

and grief and shared the pains and agonies of the bereaved


S. Lamjagou, Vice-President, ZDB


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